Current conditions in York

Thursday, January 3, 2008

First Snow!

Nothing excites me, one from the tropics, more than seeing snow fall. Yet, looking at the snow falling, it also calms the mind and put a person at ease. Somehow, looking at snowflakes dancing fast and furious in the wind, and yet not making a single sound in the air, gives one a peaceful and rather surreal feeling. Is it just an illusion, or does the air really becomes quieter when it is snowing? Perhaps the falling snow acts like a sound proof wall? I must google to find out.

I was woken up very early this morning by the cold, since I did not turn on the heater as it was still mild when I went to bed last night. The weather report had forecast snow for parts of UK, but York was not one of them. So to my surprise, and excitement, when I looked out the window, I saw the carpark covered with snow.

I was out with the camera(this one belongs to a friend) at first light. It started to snow very heavily as I walked around the campus. Among the wildlife, the seagulls seemed the happiest, flying and circling around the lake, shrieking. The swans, as usual, are graceful in the water, oblivious of the snow falling around them. The ducks looked subdued, but the most miserable seemed to be the "black coloured bird that walks like a chicken" (update: it is called a moor hen, thanks to seismic. Click on comments link below to see his comments). Though they are usually shy birds, they just sit there in the middle of the road, and got up reluctantly only when humans come near.

The workers are busy around the campus though, spraying de-icing agents on roads, walkways and bridges to prevent people from slipping. Snow means more work for them, so I supposed not everyone is happy to see snow, unlike me. According to the barber at Langwith, it doesn't snow as much as it used to, perhaps it is because of global warming, and don't bring back any snow from Austria, he had said . Snow may not be pleasant for the residents here, but it will be a sad day for them if it doesn't snow here anymore.

Oh yes, I also found that cameras using AA size batteries don't work well in the cold. I think the fault lies in the batteries, which stop discharging electricity when it gets very cold. I have to rely on my trusty old camera to finish up the job. Lithum ion batteries seems to work better in the cold. But unfortunately, not anticipating the snow, I didn't charge the battery beforehand, so that too went flat after a few shots.

Anyway, here are the photos that I took. Even as I type, snow continues to fall. I would like to spend the whole of today out walking in the snow, but unfortunately exams are just a few days away, so one must get down to studying. Will update with more photos if it snows again. It is tempting to say it will, since this is just the first snowfall of winter. But with global warming looming, one cannot be too confident. It only snowed once last year, a third year student told me. Let's keep our fingers crossed!


Seismic said...

The black coloured bird is known as Moorhen.

puayc said...

Cool! And now we also know the other black colour bird is call a coot!